Searching by “Maximum Days to Death (where 0 days = less than 24 hrs)” is now available at
A number of zero or higher entered in this field and hitting the Search button will search for COVID-19 related VAERS data where:
DIED has been coded as ‘Y’
a date of death has been provided
the number of days to death after vax date is less than or equal to the number of days specified.
Here is the result of symptoms related to a maximum of 14 days to death:
Did you know the list of words to exclude from the word cloud is editable?
Adding the word “blood” to the list of words to exclude from the word cloud results in the following wordcloud. This powerful feature allows you to “deep dive” into the related symptoms reported.
To better pinpoint the actual count of words for generating the wordcloud, a simple list table has been added to show:
sample size
freq - the count of word occurrence
pct - the percent of word occurrence
Relative ranking is shown with the ability to sort by the columns and page through results.
Not only is “Days to Death” searchable, but you can also visualize the results by number of days to death after vax date in the wordcloud.
The bonus list table automatically updates:
Lastly, the default sorting of records listed in “Detailed Information” under “More” has been set as increasing “Days to Death” to highlight this important factor in determining causality.
Selecting the VAERS ID link for the last record in the table, opens a full report in
I hope you find the additions useful. I keep adding new things because of the supportive feedback I have been receiving.
Please share with others to help raise awareness and help those vax injured.
There are also convenient ways to share the link directly from the web site.
Thank you.
Thank you for making this available,and adding new options! It’s one of the many “proofs” needed to prevent this atrocity from happening again. Your work is appreciated!
I wonder if there were preplanned batches (?) sent to various nursing homes or care homes, or even retirement independent living (such as Erickson Living in US) that were not so toxic.
The more expensive communities did not seem to experience the # of deaths?
Just a thought.
My dad lives at Ashby Ponds in his own apartment. I believe most of the residents (at least 1100) and employees (maybe to a lesser %) got the vax and did not suffer effects or long term auto immune problems.